9 years agoon
The Dias was graced by Dr.Gulshan Sharma,Mr.Girish Shankar, Kulmeet Makkar (Guild),Manoj Chaturvedi (Film makers combine ), Amit Behl(Cintaa),Film maker Manmohan Singh ,Present from the Media industry also were Vishwas Pandya, Amitabh Verma, Prashant Virender Sharma (Breaking Media Holdings),Kuku Kohli, Sanjay Khanduri, B Subash, Actor Shweta Khanduri, Sahila Chadha, Anil Nagrath, Ashu Trikha etc were
Media entertainment Industry has tremendous potential to give boost to Indian economy, promote Indian tourism, and generate large foreign exchange, direct and indirect employment opportunities for the untapped existing potential in our country and many more such avenues.
The elaborated discussion was attended by the big wigs of Bollywood and Television fraternity Kuku Kohli, Darshan Zariwala, Vishwaas Pandya,
Kulmeet Makkar (Guild),Manoj Chaturvedi (Film makers combine ), Amit Behl(Cintaa),Film maker Manmohan Singh ,Present from the Media industry also were Vishwas Pandya, Amitabh Verma, Prashant Virender Sharma (Breaking Media Holdings),Kuku Kohli, Sanjay Khanduri, B Subash, Actor Shweta Khanduri, Sahila Chadha, Anil Nagrath, Ashu Trikha etc were
Throwing some light and keeping in view, Min. Of Tourism, Govt. of India has taken initiative to promote Cinematic Tourism with ICSI- Int. Chamber for Service Industry and to deliberate on following:
1. Which are the most unique/picturesque locations in India, offered to M&E Industry for shooting.
2. How to help the Industry for getting single window clearance, hassle free activities right from landing-shooting-and moving out , availability of desired equipment , tapping the local talents, active participation of state Tourism departments, working in the direction to get most economical packages for M&E Industry and other feasible incentives. A Web-portal would provide complete details and services.
The role of the media and entertainment industry in India has been huge in our day to day life. Newspapers, magazines and movies are the three most important mediums where from a Monday brunch in a city passes through the same boulevard of tasteless days and whizzes to an exotic weekend getaway. Nowadays film makers have been smart enough to capture the Indian audience in large numbers by laying bare the hard lifestyle of the common man. Although such realistic movies don’t influence the travel and tourism sector directly, some scenes do manage to capture the eyes of travelers prompting them to travel to India later on.
However most of the production houses move out of country due to various hassles in getting clearance, lack of single window clearance and one agency taking overall responsibility to help the entire industry through Min. of Inf. & Broadcasting, Min. of Culture, Min of Home Affairs, Min. Of Defense, take up financial incentives through Min. of Finance and state govt. concerned depts. Etc
The Ministry of Tourism is the nodal agency for the formulation of national policies and programmes and for the co-ordination of activities of various General Government Agencies, State Government/ UTs and the Private Sector for the development and promotion of tourism in the country. This Ministry is headed by the Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge).
Following today’s event, Min. of Tourism through ICSI- will be showcasing entire Indian Cinematic Tourism from 26-28th of June at Mumbai with all state tourism departments participation and explaining what all they would be offering.