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FUT Hair Transplantation- Explained By Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In Navi Mumbai



When there aren’t enough follicles to extract individually, the only choice is to remove a Strip of follicles. The transplant team will separate the follicles from the Strip as the surgeon stitches the wound. These separated follicles will be then implanted into the bald area.
In this article, Dr. Audumbar Borgaonkar who is known for being the best hair transplant in Navi Mumbai will explain the process in detail so that you can have a clear idea about how this method actually works.

Steps in FUT
A FUT (Strip) Hair Transplant technique is divided into two steps:
1. Extraction (strip extraction of follicles from the donor area) – this phase differs from the FUE method, in which follicles are extracted one by one.

2. Implantation (inserting the follicles one by one into the balding area) – this portion is identical to the FUE process, in which the follicles are likewise implanted one by one.

FUT Process
● The extraction takes up to an hour and is done while you are lying face down. A strip of skin is taken after a local anesthetic is administered into the donor area (back of the head). The assistants are splitting the strip of hairs into separate follicles while the doctor stitches the region. After the stitches have been removed, a fine pale scar will appear, which can be readily concealed by your own hair if it isn’t too short.

● After a brief break, the surgery resumes, this time with you lying face up so that surgeons may begin implanting the retrieved follicles into your balding areas. The implantation process might take anywhere from one to three hours, depending on the scope of your treatment.

● Although the process is harmless, you may experience some discomfort due to the length of time you will be lying down. As a result, you may have a few extra breaks to stretch your legs, go to the restroom, eat or drink, and so on.

● A very thin needle is used to anesthetize both the donor and recipient sites, ensuring that you do not feel any pain during the surgery. The anesthetic stings a little at first, but it’s tolerable and the area quickly becomes numb.

● Because that area is largely impervious to Di Hydro Testosterone (DHT), the ‘killer’ hormone located on the top of your head, the strip of follicles is taken from the middle portion of the back of your head.

● After the surgery, the transplanted hair follicles will retain their original color, texture, growth rate, and curl, and will grow naturally and indefinitely. Because they inherit (from the donor region) the genetic property of resistance to the hair-killing hormone DHT, the transplanted follicles will continue to grow for the remainder of your life (at the recipient balding area).

Who is the right candidate?
According to the hair transplant surgeons in Navi Mumbai, the best candidates for FUT are men with androgenic alopecia (also known as male pattern baldness). The Norwood pattern or an M-shaped hairline with hair loss at the temples is frequent in men with this disorder. The Ludwig pattern, which causes hair loss along the hair part or thinning at the top of the head, is common in women with this disorder.

Which method is the most effective?

Each extraction method has advantages and disadvantages.
There are numerous aspects to consider while deciding which strategy is best for your situation. Individual extraction is preferable because it is non-invasive and scar-free, but it takes longer and the number of follicles we can extract in a single session is restricted and not always guaranteed. Furthermore, the scar where the strip is removed heals rapidly and is only visible if the back of the head is shaved. It appears to be a minor skin discoloration (more visible for darker complexions).
There are situations in which neither of the two ways is appropriate, and others in which both methods should be used in order to harvest the greatest number of donor hairs possible.

Though both extraction methods may eventually allow the same amount of hairs to be extracted, there is one significant difference: we can extract considerably more hairs during a Strip extraction session than we can during an individual extraction session.

As a result, if we need to cover a large area, it’s possible that two separate extraction sessions will be required. These sessions can be done over the course of two days or over the course of six to nine months.

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