A film that has travelled around the world under well-known indie filmmaker Sandeep Mohan’s concept of ‘The Great Indian Traveling Cinema’~ Hola Venky, directed by Sandeep Mohan is geared...
The Doon School, India’s pre eminent boarding school and alma mater of stalwarts like Rajiv Gandhi and Amitav Ghosh amongst many others has announced its Residential...
The Indian Media & Entertainment (M&E) sector, one of the most highly taxed sectors in the country, is pinning its hopes on the rollout of the...
Neha Rajpal Productions climbing every step higher and is all set for recording songs for her upcoming movie. Since few days Neha Rajpal has been in news for...
Digital media and print sector are here to stay and would continue to co-exist in the Indian market for a long time. This could be deduced...
The beginning of spring signifies a fresh approach, a new start, a better way. And in this blooming season, Diva’ni explores the themes that inspire us....
With an idea todebunk the myths that surround Organ Donation, health care experts and doctors of Kohinoor hospital came forward to host the activities giving out a strong message,...
Wadhwani Foundation launched its decade old flagship Initiative, National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) in Malaysia, with Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd as its strategic partner. This expansion of...
With the chilly winter wind giving way to the first blazing ray of the summer sun, we see the nature blooming bright in a riot of...