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Breaking Barriers and Revamping the Auto Services Industry: A Conversation with Manshi Modi-Chandarana, Co-Founder of KwikFix Auto, on International Women’s Day




As we mark International Women’s Day, it’s worth noting that while progress has been made towards gender equality, there is still much work to be done. Women continue to face significant barriers in many areas, including entrepreneurship. Despite these challenges, however, women entrepreneurs are making their mark and changing the face of business in industries across the board.

One such trailblazer is Manshi Modi-Chandarana, Co-founder of KwikFix Auto, who is on a mission to revolutionize and organize the automobile services industry. With a passion to create a better customer experience, Manshi is taking on a traditionally male-dominated industry and reimagining how car servicing can be done. In this interview, we’ll hear from Manshi about her journey as a female entrepreneur, the challenges she’s faced along the way, and her vision for the future of the automobile services industry.


  1. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur, and how did you get started with your business?

Empowering people brings me great satisfaction, and entrepreneurship provides the perfect avenue for achieving that goal. At KwikFix Auto, we are tackling the issue of providing blue-collar job workers, such as car technicians and mechanics, with the respect and opportunities they deserve to grow and succeed.

My Co-Founder Ravi Chandarana and I have always been passionate about the automobile industry. It was during one such instance that we realized that while we could get most products and services delivered to our doorstep, the same wasn’t possible for automobile services. That’s when we decided to take action, and thus Kwik Fix Auto Pvt. Ltd. was born.


  1. What challenges have you faced as a female entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

Initially, managing all household responsibilities, including cooking, looking after the kids and their school curriculum, while also keeping full focus on running KwikFix Auto Startup without making any mistakes was a challenging task. However, over time, women learn to adapt to multitasking.

Unfortunately, we still live in a society where even if a woman drives a car, she may face ridicule or disrespect. Moreover, the auto-services industry is predominantly male-oriented, which adds to the challenges faced by women in this field. Despite these obstacles, I have been determined to bring about a shift in this mindset. Thanks to the clear roles and responsibilities established within Team KwikFix Auto, I have been able to make my mark in the business.


  1. What do you believe sets your business apart from your competitors, and how do you plan to maintain your competitive edge?

At Kwikfix Auto, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop solution that offers doorstep services for almost all automobile needs. This is our unique selling proposition, which sets us apart from our competitors who often take the vehicle to the workshop even for minor servicing. Additionally, we are proud to be the first Mobile Tyre shop in India with an RFT tyre changer that can come to the customer’s desired location for tyre changing.

Our focus on the “3 Ps” – People, Product, and Process – ensures that we maintain a high level of service quality, dedication, and a customer-centric approach, making us the go-to brand for our customers. Our upcoming app, set to launch in a month’s time, will allow customers to access all relevant information about their car on their phone, making it simpler and easier to keep track of their automobile services.


  1. What advice would you give to other women who are thinking of starting their own business?

With determination and consistency, any challenge can be overcome, and any problem in the world can be solved. India is leading the way in this regard, and I encourage all women to be a part of this journey and inspire the world with their exemplary actions.

In today’s progressive society, people’s outlook is improving, and anyone who wants to venture into their own business should seize the opportunity now. Trust me, once we start believing in ourselves, the rest of the world follows suit.

Women possess natural strengths like strong management skills and team building abilities. Once we learn to lead, our perseverance, determination, willpower, and tenacity will make us the best entrepreneurs we can be.


  1. How do you balance the demands of running a business with your personal life, and what strategies do you use to stay focused and productive?

I do not compartmentalize my life into personal and professional spheres, nor do I follow a strict schedule. Instead, I allocate my time based on my priorities, which are dynamic and subject to change over time. I understand and acknowledge this change and plan accordingly.

To make the most of my productive energy levels, I block out time for important work-related activities. My personal time with myself and family serves as my “snooze button,” allowing me to rejuvenate myself as a mom and a wife. I also make it a point to socialize over the weekends to stay connected with loved ones and friends.


  1. Can you tell us about a particularly challenging moment in your entrepreneurial journey, and how you navigated through it?

Recently my co-founder, who typically manages the operational aspects of our business, recently underwent unexpected surgery. This presented a significant challenge, as we couldn’t afford to let the business come to a standstill. Handling operations at this critical stage was very tricky for me, but having a strong and dependable team made it manageable. This experience also highlighted the importance of being prepared for the unexpected as an entrepreneur, and realizing that the show must go on.


  1. What strategies have you used to build your brand and grow your customer base, and what has been your most successful marketing tactic to date?

Building trust with customers is essential for any brand. To achieve this, we’ve implemented a 360-degree marketing strategy, but our most crucial focus is on customer service. Our brand revolves around our customers, and we’re always willing to answer questions, resolve complaints, and share our knowledge through our YouTube channel, Kwik Fix India.

In Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane, we’ve been carving out a niche market for ourselves. To ensure that we provide quick and efficient car repair solutions to our customers at their desired locations, KwikFix Auto is constantly expanding its cross-geography network of dealers, car technicians, and various automotive companies. We’re also heavily investing in technology to provide a seamless and intuitive automotive experience.


  1. How do you stay up to date with industry trends and incorporate new ideas and technologies into your business?

The automobile industry is constantly evolving, and we stay up-to-date by maintaining connections with top-tier companies for a wide range of products and services. As industry experts, KwikFix Auto is often approached by companies for product launches. We incorporate new ideas and technology into our business to stay ahead of the game. In addition, social media platforms provide valuable insights, and we frequently meet with business thought leaders to gain a better understanding of the industry’s intricacies.


  1. What are your plans for the future of your business, and what new products or services do you have in the works?

The upcoming launch of Kwik Fix Auto app will provide customers with a comprehensive and convenient one-stop solution. Moving forward, we have a three-fold plan:


REFORM– Firstly, we aim to reform the automobile market by formalizing and providing a respectable identity to blue-collar car technicians under the Kwik Fix Auto brand. This will uplift their lives and create a win-win situation for technicians and customers alike.


PERFORM– Secondly, we strive to be the preferred one-stop solutions partner for all automotive service needs, emphasizing our values of trust, quality, and time efficiency.


TRANSFORM– Lastly, we intend to transform the auto market by offering doorstep services, eliminating the need for customers to go to workshops. Through these initiatives, we hope to revolutionize the way the auto industry functions.


  1. Finally, what message would you like to share with other women who aspire to become entrepreneurs, and how can they get started on their own journey?

To be an entrepreneur, one needs to have a story for business, Strategy for business and a solution to the identified problem.  Once we have this clarified, all we need is to get started. Procrastination and self doubt will never help. Lastly I would say think BIG. The world is a wonderful place to be in and you have the potential to make a mark in this world.


Lastly one should always remember यद् भावं तद् भवति meaning “As you think so you become”