A while ago Director Anil Sharma announced his second directorial “Genius” staring his son Utkarsh Sharma who will debut with the film. However, the Gadar director...
In the wake of the dastardly terror attack, actress Arjumman Mughal feels proud to be an Indian and congratulate the soldiers who fought against the Uri...
5 October 2016, Thane: The Honorable Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal interacted with the traders and addressed their concerns...
Kellie Singh the famous Punjabi pop singer is now all set to release her amazing single ‘Hotness Ki Dukaan’ for which the music is given by...
Rajneesh Duggal is an Indian film actor and a former model. He is the winner of Grasim Mr. India title in 2003 and a runner up...
This movie unfolds the epic story of Ramayana in a unique 3D animated avatar. The voice of the characters is provided by big names in the...
October 5, 2016, Goa :The International Film Festival of India continues to grow both as a major festival for independent films and international productions as well...
Bengaluru, Oct 13: Bollywood and European film actor Nicole Faria, who shot to fame with Bollywood flick Yaarian, will flag off a walk in the city...
Swaraj Kapoor the dynamic entrepreneur and owner of “Mirabella” which is a majestic Luxury filled , elegant and yet quaint & cosy European-style café along with...