Mumbai, March 16, 2022: World Consumer Day is celebrated every year on March 15 to mark the sovereignty and supremacy of the rights and needs of the consumers and highlights their unqualified claim to a fair and just treatment. The underlying theme of this year is “Fair Digital Finance” and the Bank strives to leverage its digital platforms to meet and satisfy the diverse financial needs of its customers while at the same time committing itself to protect and uphold their interests at all times.
The Bank celebrated the World Consumer Rights Day with aplomb at its corporate office which was chaired by MD and CEO and the Executive Directors. CGM Operations, Gauri Prosad Sarma welcomed the gathering with his opening remarks. Thereafter, MD & CEO, Atul Kumar Goel addressed the gathering where he underlined the importance of rendering prompt and responsive customer service by reaching out to all segments of the populace including the most vulnerable. The bank’s continued focus on customer-centeredness is further underscored by the fact that MD & CEO in an internal message to all its employees, unequivocally conveyed the need to place the interests of the customers first and try to fulfil their aspirations and needs in all the activities and endeavours undertaken by the bank, be it launching of a new product/service or rendering routine service to them.
The event also marked the launch and circulation of collaterals for improved customer service and customer ease with thrust on promoting digital agenda and providing access to a plethora of digital banking services. Grahak Sewa is one such initiative, which is an in-house escalation matrix for the branches and field staff, to provide better customer service through expeditious customer grievance redressal, reduced TAT and faster resolution of customer complaints. Customer EASE is another initiative to streamline the process of account opening so as to deliver a superior customer experience. Sanchay is the third initiative to lay out and empower the workforce on all the digital offerings by PNB. Inline with this, the bank has launched podcasts around digital offerings and released a set of videos for the capstone PNB One application to enable customers to make the most out of it.
The Bank also launched a booklet on Door Step Banking highlighting the different services being offered for the benefit of the customers like new cheque book delivery against requisition slip, Form 15G/H Delivery & Pick up, life certificate pickup, cash deposit & withdrawal within certain limit among other services.
The celebration ended with the vote of thanks by the General Manager (Customer Care).