Miraj Cinemas hosted star cast visit of upcoming biopic film Manjhi-The Mountain Man. The lead star cast of the film Nawazudin Siddiqui, Radhika Apte and director...
India is miraculously beautiful, it is a country which can be termed as Vibgyor consisting all & different kind of people, religion, thinking and talent which...
Ambuja Manovikas Kendra’s two stellar athletes from Ropar District have won accolades in the cycling and basketball categories at the recently organized World Summer Special Olympics...
Dr Upendra Kaul, Executive Director & Dean, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre And Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj. People living with chronic excruciating pains such as arthritis,...
LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA is India’s only laser and photonics gathering. Demand for industrial laser and optical systems are increasing, presenting the photonics industry with...
Witness the first ever DJ night at Café Infinito as Artist Aloud presents DJ Shiva who will be lighting up your Saturday nights with some crazy...
Anil Pharande, CMD – Pharande Spaces While the concept of integrated township living is still something of a novelty in India, the concept of living in integrated residential communities...
The idea of breastfeeding in public spaces is discomforting for every breastfeeding mother. While breastfeeding is a natural and obvious gesture, when done in public tends...
A meeting of Board of Directors of Bajaj Electricals Limited was held today to consider and approve results for Q1 of FY 2015-16 ended 30th June,...