Renowned Bollywood Director, Subhash Ghai bestowed his blessings on the children during the event Mumbai, 9th December 2023: In India, the serious issue of hearing loss...
3 Year Plan aims to significant increase turnover and Points of Sale by 2026 The brand currently has a solid presence in 23 cities across 13 states in India Strategic...
Second Indian doctor to receive this award in Leader in Science and Technology category December 8th, 2023: Recognizing outstanding contributions and exceptional leadership in Research on Diabetology,...
News Summary: Waters inaugurates Global Capability Center in Bengaluru’s RMZ Ecoworld technology park with dignitaries from government, customers, partners, and employees. New US$16M (INR ₹1.3Bn) facility will employ...
Editorial synopsis: · Over 1500 exhibitors & 2.5 lakh visitors the world’s 5th largest exhibition breaks records · Witnessed companies from over 30 countries such as...
Investors include Anthill Angel Fund, EvolveX, Value360 and Sapphireink Ventures Among angel investors are Wow! Momo founder Sagar Daryani, Vikas Aggarwal, Co-founder of We Founder Circle &...
The Brand Aims to Offer a Distinctive Blend of Style, Quality, And Sophistication for Today’s Men Mumbai, December 7, 2023: In a world where a plethora of...
Advanced Skin Analyser based on AI shares detailed insights about the skin health of the shoppers, focused on enhancing the online skincare shopping experience for millions...
Mumbai, 06th December 2023 – KidZania, the leader in edutainment, is excited to announce a new collaboration with Paytm, one of India’s leading digital payment platforms. Visitors...