Produced by Akshay Bardapurkar, the soulful dramedy starring Amitabh Bachchan and Vikram Gokhale set to release on Maharashtra Day – 1st May Prime members across 200...
Hyderabad, 21st April,2020: Gopal Krishna, Co-Founder of 3D Usher, an Indo-US startup, has come forward to help in the fight against Covid-19 and its spread in India....
WHO, WWF, UNICEF India, UN Climate Change, UNESCO MGIEP, UNCCD, and EARTH DAY NETWORK to support the concert India, April 21: One Page Spotlight,...
Being tried for precautionary measures, these robots will help AIIMS to promote physical distancing between health workers and coronavirus infected patients New Delhi, 21st April, 2020: As India’s...
Offers online ergonomic consultations + ‘Work From Home’ workstation Mumbai, 20th April,2020: In recent weeks the lockdown and social distancing in India has seen thousands of...
The campaign rolled out initiatives like ‘Hack-sploring’ and #FindtheNewYou Contest – creative yet educational digital campaign ‘TECNO RAKSHAKS’ will allow consumers, employees to contribute to PM...
Mumbai, 20th April, 2020: announced today that it has added USD $30 million to its Series D Funding taking it to $80 mn. This brings the total funding...
64% professionals make upskilling a top priority in tough job market India, April 20, 2020: LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, today launched the ‘Workforce Confidence Index’,...
Players that rely on tourism for sustaining their businesses are some of the worst-hit following the pandemic-led travel bans Seeks to extend support to café owners,...