‘Chidiya Ghar’ is the story of a fun-loving family comprising of different members with their unique mannerisms. As per their different animalistic names, all the members...
Everyone likes to have fun environment at their work place and so do our favorite Jodi Nikhil (Fahad Khan) & Anmol (Zalak Desai) from Shashi Sumeet...
Under this offer, all new M-Pesa customers making utility payments through M-Pesa get upto INR 50 cash back every month for 6 months. Utilities include Vodafone...
Established with a vision to bring about innovation in higher education and learning in emerging areas of the knowledge society, the not-for-profit NIIT University (NU) will...
Nissan today opened Surya Nissan, its 189th dealer outlet in India, continuing with its momentum to set up 300 sales and service touch points across the...
Author Ajay Yadav, who got instant fame after the release of Short text book of Anesthesia now comes up with “From Where I See”, in an...
Premier wellness brand, VLCC, today, launched its newest Wellness Center in Bandra that will offer the entire bouquet of beauty, wellness and preventive healthcare services under...
Edelweiss Asset Management Ltd., a subsidiary of Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd. today announced the launch it’s Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) initiative. Edelweiss Exchange-traded Schemes (EES) endeavours...
UAS International Trip Support has announced the launch of a new regional office in India to further enhance services and provide better international connectivity on the...