Home Entertainment Services by Sony DADC’, the leading home entertainment content provider in India releases Oscar winning movie WHIPLASH on Blu-ray & DVD. This captivating drama film depicting the relationship between a promising young drummer and his instructor is written and directed by Damien Chazelle. The movie stars J.K. Simmons, Miles Teller along with Paul Reiser and Melissa Benoist. The film is based on Damien Chazelle’s experiences in the Princeton High School Studio Band.
The film features Andrew Neyman (Miles Teller) an ambitious young jazz drummer in pursuit of rising to the top of his elite music conservatory. Terence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons), an instructor known for his terrifying teaching methods, discovers Andrew and transfers the aspiring drummer into the top jazz ensemble, forever changing the young man’s life. But Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher pushes him to the brink of his ability and his sanity.
The Blu-ray & DVD include the following special features:
An Evening at the Toronto International Film Festival with Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons and Damien Chazelle
Whiplash Original Short Film
Theatrical Trailer
Timekeepers (Only in Blu-ray)
Blu-ray – Rs.1299 /-
DVD – Rs.599 /-
The film got critical acclaim and was a box office success as the film grossed $33.1 million against a production budget of $3.3 million. The film won many awards and accolades, it won 3 awards at the 87th Academy Awards. J. K. Simmons received the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and the film also took home the award for Best Film Editing & Best Sound Mixing.