
Pediatric Dental Issues- Explained By Best Dentist In Delhi



Many of the dental disorders that affect children are the same as those that affect adults, but your child’s teeth are still developing and are softer and younger than their permanent counterparts. Untreated dental disorders can lead to poor and mismatched tooth development, which can lead to more significant issues as a kid gets older.

Understanding the causes of common pediatric dental disorders will help you and your child learn how to avoid them. In this article, Dr. Rajat Sachdeva who is one of the best dentists in Delhi will explain 3 major pediatric dental issues that need to be taken care of. Dr. Sachdeva will also share the prevention tips & treatment methods for the listed problems. Dr. Sachdeva is working with one of the best dental clinics in Delhi & holds several years of experience in this field.

Gum disease
Gingivitis, or gum disease, is an inflammation of the gum tissue. Poor oral and dental hygiene, as well as plaque buildup, are common causes and can lead to bone deterioration and tooth loss.
Plaque and tartar deposits on the base of the teeth start to irritate the gums.
A child’s gums are commonly swollen and red in the early stages of gingivitis, and they recede from the teeth and bleed easily after flossing. Unpleasant breath and a lingering bad taste in the mouth are also signs of gum disease in children.

According to our dentists in Delhi, gum disease in children can take three main forms:

● Chronic gingivitis is a frequent disorder in children that causes swollen gum tissue that appears bright red and bleeds easily.
● Aggressive periodontitis, which affects adolescents and young teenagers, is marked by the loss of alveolar bone, one of the tissues that support the teeth.
● Generalized aggressive periodontitis, affects the entire mouth and can begin as early as puberty. Large deposits of calculus and plaque, irritated gums, and loose teeth are all symptoms.

According to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva who is a well-known dentist in Delhi, gum disease is avoidable, and it can be avoided by taking simple efforts like brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis. A child may need to see a dentist for specific rinses and intensive cleaning in more serious cases. A dentist may prescribe antibiotics or other treatments if the infection worsens.

Thumb-sucking is one of the most typical activities associated with children.
This is a habit that some children develop while still in the womb. Thumb-sucking is a comforting and instinctual behavior that, in most situations, isn’t the reason for concern and will go away by the time a child is two or three years old. However, as your child grows older, keep an eye on this habit, as thumb-sucking can have a harmful impact on a child’s oral health.
If your child is still sucking his or her thumb when their permanent teeth emerge, the behavior can lead to a variety of issues. Thumb-sucking can alter the dental alignment and the roof of the mouth, disrupting normal oral growth.
The extent of the damage is determined by the intensity of the sucking — severe thumb-sucking can harm both their baby and adult teeth.
Around the age of four, most children quit sucking their thumbs. If it continues past the age of five, however, youngsters may develop oral and speech issues.
Contact your dentist if the habit persists. An experienced dentist can provide further assistance and support, as well as expert advice on how to help your child quit the habit.

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a prevalent problem among school-aged children, with two or three out of every ten youngsters grinding or clenching their teeth. When a child’s top teeth aren’t aligned with their bottom teeth, bruxism might occur. Another explanation could be a pain – similar to rubbing a painful muscle, some children grind their teeth in response to pain, such as teething or an earache. It could also indicate that a child is stressed or hyperactive.
Bruxism usually does not require treatment and goes away when a child grows older.
However, if the behavior continues, it can wear down permanent and primary teeth over time, causing muscle and dental pain. Teeth grinding can cause headaches, and the degradation of tooth enamel can result in chipped and sensitive teeth.
Nightguards, for example, can prevent your youngster from grinding their teeth while sleeping. Consult a pediatric dentist to determine the best treatment option for your child; many times, they’ll have devices ready to hand over at the end of a visit.


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