
ISHRAE holds SYMPOSIA 2016 – A seminar on Non Conventional HVAC Systems



June 17 , 2016, Mumbai: ISHRAE Mumbai Chapter in association with ISHRAE Thane Chapter and ASHRAE Mumbai Chapter concluded its annual National Program ‘SYMPOSIA’ with the focus of ‘NON-CONVENTIONAL HVAC SYSTEMS’ on June 17, 2016 at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Andheri (East), Mumbai with over 300 delegates. The seminar brought together leaders of this field to share a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding area of non-conventional HVAC systems.

The Conference revolves around innovative theme every year and have chosen current year theme on Non Conventional HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Systems.  In the current times air conditioning has become a necessity rather than a luxury but at the same time a guzzler of power.  Non Conventional HVAC Systems will discuss the newer technologies available for air conditioning that are energy efficient and environment friendly. It promises to be a day of learning and sensitization of the technologies evolving today.  The day will see presentations by eminent speakers from across the country on multistage evaporative systems, 4 pipe systems/heat pumps, adsorption Chillers, underfloor air distribution Systems and geothermal and radiant cooling systems.

The major partners to the program were A.T.E. Enterprises Pvt. Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric/Climaveneta, Dessicant Rotors International Pvt. Ltd, Schneider Electric IT Business India Pvt. Ltd. The allied societies supporting the event were IGBC (Indian Green Building Council), FSAI (Fire and Safety Association of India) ,RATA (Refrigeration and Air conditioning Traders Association), AWESOME, IPA (Indian Plumbing Association) and IAEMP (Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals)

Mr. Sachin Maheshwari, National President, ISHRAE said, “ISHRAE holds similar interesting conferences on different themes throughout the country to meet one of its prime objectives of dissemination of knowledge.”

Mr. K. Ramachandran, Immediate National past president, ISHRAE and ACREX 2017 Chairman said, “Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) as the foremost technical society in the field in India is very concerned about energy conservation which is of critical importance to humankind. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration is vital for human comfort and critical for healthcare, hospitality, electronics, and food preservation and served other industrial, commercial and residential applications. While efforts are on to reduce the power consumption in conventional systems by improved designs, equally important is looking at alternative sources of energy and even unconventional methods of cooling. Use of available waste heat in absorption refrigeration machines, use of geo-thermal cooling, solar powered cooling systems, cooling of structures using water or air as well as concepts such as “adaptive thermal comfort” open up new vistas to explore for the HVAC & R engineer. The annual “SYMPOSIA” organized by ISHRAE Mumbai Chapter carefully examines cooling using unconventional as well as renewable energy sources. Participants are sure to take away learning’s which will be very useful in the days to come.”

Mr. Nandlal R. Singh, ISHRAE Mumbai President said, “The seminar was focused on good manufacturing practices and environmentally friendly designs that not only ensure quality products, but also the safety and well being of all personnel. The key speakers focused on the need for manufacturing standards, essential for making sure that design, systems and equipment installation are done while eliminating risks. All the issues and trends on the role of Non Conventional HVAC systems were discussed at Symposia.”

Mr. Amod Dikshit, Convener and Mr. R. N. Joshi, Co-covener, ISHRAE said, “As a HVAC consultant, we face a question as what’s new, economical in running and effective in long run. When we sat down for this year’s theme, the “non conventional HVAC” was on top of our mind. We ensure that all committee members are equally committed to power saving and green concepts and readily accepted the same. We both are sure that this will be a fantastic look into possibilities of better systems of tomorrow and popular in time to come.

ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers), is an international associate of ASHRAE and established in 1981, in Delhi to promote Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry in India. Today, ISHRAE is a society of over 10,000 professionals and 7500 student members, headquartered in Delhi and having 41 chapters spread across the country. ISHRAE organizes Lectures, Seminars, Expositions like ACREX India, Training Workshops, publishes technical Handbooks, Journals, Directories etc. Specifically ISHRAE runs a Certification Program on Clean Room Design & Construction that is relevant to ensure Good Manufacturing Practices in the Pharma, Electronics and Food Industry.

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By : Lokesh Shastri


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