
How Does Hair Transplant Help in Baldness?



Unexplained hair loss and baldness, in particular for the younger population, might be extremely traumatic. Hair loss is common in both men and women in India.

Hair loss may be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic or inherited hair loss, certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata, autoimmune disorders, hormonal problems, lifestyle and stress, scalp infections, environmental factors, such as air pollution, and others.

By age 65, approximately 85 percent of adult males would have some form of hair loss or baldness. Conditions such as baldness in men and women’s patterns, alopecia areata, hereditary hair loss, and so on are affecting increasing numbers of people today. While hair loss can be controlled by medicines, hair transplantation is often necessary as a permanent solution.

What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation is commonly referred to as the most successful hair loss solution. The procedure is performed through hair transfer from the donor site to the recipient site. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure involving the removal or pulling of a hair strip and fixing it to the recipient’s place.  Hair Transplantation Different hair transplant procedures exist, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), or DHI (Direct Hair Transplant). Although hair transplantation is the same technique or idea, the difference is in extracting and transplanting the hair follicles.

Methods of hair transplant treatment

Harvesting Strip –

The surgeon dissects a small strip of hair follicles from a donor site in strip harvest. This procedure creates a single scar that can be hidden beneath the hairline. Two operations are necessary for the transplantation process. One gets the follicular units and the other implants the grafts.

FUT hair transplant – a hair transplant

The technique of follicular unit transplantation involves removing a strip of hair from the back of the skin or the head, where hair growth is good. FUT is also referred to as hair transplantation strip harvesting. Healthy hair follicles are removed from this site and transplanted to the baldness region. This process of hair transplantation is very traditional and involves more scarring and suture. Compared to other hair transplantation forms, this is quite an invasive procedure. The chances of infection, bleeding and scarring in a FUT hair transplant are quite high. More advanced hair transplantation techniques like FUE solve major FUT concerns.

FUE Transplantation of Hair – FUE

Follicular Hair Extraction is an advanced, less invasive procedure that delivers better results. During this procedure, hair is extracted individually from the donor site and transplanted to the receiver site. Since each hair follicle is removed, less scarring occurs and gives the procedure a more natural look. The success rate of the transplanted hair follicles is higher at 85% and above. To extract hair follicles, a micro punch tool is used.

Hair transplantation DHI –

DHI Hair transplant is the technology used to extract and transplant hair follicles at the recipient site using a DHI Choi Pen. The procedure enables the surgeon to make an incision and simultaneously implant the hair. DHI has a higher success rate and a faster recovery

Restoration of robotic hair transplant –

The restoration of robotic hair is a new technique. It uses cameras and a robotic arm to aid a hair surgeon during the procedure.

A local anesthetic is given to patients. This usually consists of epinephrine lidocaine. It helps to numb the scalp treatment area and helps to control bleeding. The surgeon then cuts into the scalp vertically and then collects donor hair without hurting the follicular units. Incisions are usually only so deep that the whole follicular unit can be harvested.

The surgeon collects a small band of donor tissues during strip harvest. These are then divided into follicular grafts. The surgeon then closes the site with small staples or stitches.

The surgeon makes an incision in the recipient area using a small needle or blade. The transplants are then placed in a random pattern. Your doctor can try to recreate natural angles and directions of hair. This makes sure the hair looks as close as possible to the original.

FUE versus FUT Hair Transplantation

The most widely used techniques for hair transplantation include FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Both hair restoration processes are minimally invasive and are very well suited for most people, which enhances the thickness and confidence of the recipients.

The surgeon takes each follicular unit individually from the scalp for FUE hair transplantations. The hair transplant surgeon randomly removes the hair follicles and ensures no tissue strip is extracted. This ensures that the donor area has a lower density. If carried out correctly, there is minimal to null proof of a donor area procedure. This is great for people who want a bigger look, but the donor area shows no signs of cosmetic surgery.

Hair Transplant FUE is a complex procedure. And how many grafts a surgeon can harvest in one session is asked.

The hair of a patient is transplanted in small groups of 1-4 hairs during FUT hair transplantation. The groups occur naturally and they also have oil glands called sebaceous glands. In addition to the glands, they have very fine compact muscles, nerves, and velvety hair.

The benefits of FUT are high graft yields for follicular units and high-quality grafts. Grafts are less vulnerable as well as in FUE. Your surgeon can recommend FUT procedures consecutively. The scar from your first procedure will also be fixed.

FUT also has its own disadvantage – the recovery time is longer than FUE. The FUT leaves a long, linear scar on the place of harvesting of the donor strip.

The level of hair loss or baldness, cause of hair loss, medical history, and lifestyle determines which method is best suited for the patient. Therefore, a hair transplant surgeon should often be contacted for a personal consultation which evaluates the degree of hair loss and calculates how many greys a patient needs.

Ideal Hair Transplant Candidate

Many are candidates for hair transplantation operations. However, surgeons are cautious before approving candidates under 18 years of age. Another factor is the patient’s overall health. For instance, a surgeon examines the medical history and health conditions and then decides whether it is safe to have hair transplantation operations. Patients also need to have strong immunity to cure them after surgery.

Everyone over 18 with thin or bald hair and a healthy immune system is a good candidate. The doctor will conduct an initial consultation and then let you know whether it is appropriate for you. Most people are. Most people are.

Cost of Hair Transplant

The cost of hair transplantation in India is determined by the number of grafts per graft required. There is no fixed price because the amount of hair transplanted varies personally. The higher the price tag, the more grafts.

Some of the best hair transplants are produced in India and offer remarkable results at reasonable prices. India is a leading country, particularly for hair transplantation, in medical tourism. The cost of a hair transplant is between INR 60k and 2.5 lakhs in India. Patients may need an average of 2500 hair grafts or more. The type of procedure chosen, city, and clinic, depending on the number of hair grafts needed.

Recovery of hair transplant

For hair transplantation, the recovery period is usually between 3 and 6 weeks. In about 2 to 4 days after surgery, patients will receive relief from common post-procedure symptoms like swelling, bruising, numbness, pain, and headaches. A complete recovery and treatment outcome would take approximately 6 months. New hair growth and a more complete appearance begin to develop after 6 months and may take about one year in some patients.

While hair transplantation is a common procedure, an experienced surgeon must perform it to prevent side effects. The most common side effects of therapy are infections at the donor and recipient sites, excessive blood, prolonged numbness or nerve damage, and pus at the treatment site.

Choose the right hair transplant physician

Choosing the right doctor is important to get the best results for hair transplantation. Some of the basic tests to be done in selecting the best hair transplant surgeon include:
Certification and experience of the Board – Make sure that your doctor is certified by the board for your surgery. Then check the doctor’s experience and the operations performed by him/her. The greater the years of training and experience in cosmetic treatments, the better the results.

Women’s Hair Transplant

The pattern of hair loss in women differs from that of men. Local baldness is not quite common, but hair loss that tends to diminish the effects of a thin scalp is very prevalent. Hair transplantation can be the best solution if a woman suffers from bald patches. Even then, the hair follicles must be harvested in sufficient quantities. Thus, the hair follicles must be harvested.


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