
From Cancer survivor to Mrs. India Worldwide Finalist



India, 23rd July 2019: Bangalore-based model Mrs. Tanisha Roy is shortlisted as one of the top 150 participants among the 40,000 plus models from more than 25 countries participated for Haut Monde Mrs India Worldwide beauty pageant 2019 organized in Greece in the month of October 2019.

In the year 2018, Mrs. Roy was diagnosed with pleomorphic adenoma, a form of tumor which started in the salivary gland and had to cut out from the body. The tumor form had turn malignant which is the first stage of cancer. She had no medication option and surgery was the only thing she had to go through, Mrs.Roy took the big decision and went through macro open surgery. The surgery was successful and the tumor was removed, unfortunately with a huge split from the ear to the neck.

Mrs.Tanisha Roy said,” Surviving the cancer journey and being the strongest though the procedure was tough but my family supported me throughout, also kept me motivated. It was difficult but achievable and my plan is to achieve the goals I have set for myself”

Fighting all the critical situations, Mrs.Roy planned to participate in the international competition and started to lose weight with aggressive workout and planned diet. Her goals kept her motivated and achieving the crown for India is the ultimate focus. “What is a tigress without her scars? I wear my scars with confidence and I’m perfect with my imperfections” she added.

“BELIEVE YOU CAN AND YOU WILL. No matter what others tell you You are Unique. Past will make you bitter , yes it will but YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT TO BE BETTER.” Says Mrs. Tanisha Roy.



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