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Diversey launches SMARTDOSETM – A revolutionary platform for Housekeeping Solutions



Mumbai, 5th  February, 2020: Diversey launches SMARTDOSETM – A revolutionary platform for their TASKI Housekeeping Series

Diversey India has unveiled Smart Dose in India. SmartDose is a thoughtfully designed innovative dispensing platform for super concentrated daily cleaners and disinfectants; setting a new industry benchmark for accuracy, simplicity and safety.

Mr. Gokul Venkataraman, Marketing Director – Diversey India, said, “SmartDose comes loaded with features that carefully understand the critical needs of the market. Features like Spill-TITE and smart pump leverages the power of super concentrated chemicals. It aids simplified usage with icon based instructions making it quick and easy to dispense the exact amount for wither spray bottle or a bucket / scrubber driers. SmartDose comes in a package that is impossible to tamper and adulterate. This also makes usage safer by minimizing scope for human contact. Its Spill proof spout prevents direct contact with chemicals. SmartDose comes in durable and sturdy cans which are ergonomically designed and are 100% recyclable. The Spill-TITE engineered Head eliminates counterfeiting. Being a closed system, it provides maximum level of safety. The system is maintenance free and is very quick to adapt to. The SmartPump eliminates the problems of over and underdoing, maintaining efficiency without wastage.

One pack of SmartDose is equivalent to 6 traditional glug-glug cans. This makes this choice highly environmental friendly by reducing the waste afterwards, considerably. These bottles are recycled and contain 25% of post-consumer plastic materials. As water is added at site rather than at point of manufacture, the number of vehicles used to transport the system, the storage space and amount of plastic are all reduced. SmartDose offers packaging, chemical, and storage as well as transport advantages versus standard platforms, dramatically reducing the environmental footprint”, added Mr. Gokul.


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